Browsing: In-depth

With the Panama Papers exposé perhaps we can now say the fortress walls of offshore secrecy are finally cracking. Such havens allow corruption and tax avoidance to take place on a massive international scale by some of the richest and most powerful

The recent announcement of the imminent opening of a rival stock exchange to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange caused considerable media excitement. It is indeed a historic development in South Africa’s economic history and is to

South Africa’s big four retail banks have been steadily cutting the number of (costly) branches in recent years. That’s no surprise, given the shift in transactional banking to electronic channels. Those transactions that still need some form of physical

The launch this week of a smaller iPhone and a new iPad “underlines the extent to which Apple has lost the innovative edge”, according to a senior technology analyst. The new 4-inch iPhone SE, in particular, showed that Apple had lost the innovative

Lorien Gamaroff, the founder and CEO of Bankymoon, believes that virtual currencies and blockchain technology are the “Internet of the next generation”, with potential to disintermediate banks, clearing houses and central securities depositories. Akin to how

On Saturday, 26 March, Britain’s Independent newspaper will publish its last edition in print. The Independent on Sunday sold for the last time on 20 March. The distinctive El Pais of Madrid has announced that it will take “a step from paper to digital”. The

Most people are bamboozled by bitcoin. It’s shrouded in jargon and geek speak. It borrows physical metaphors from all over the place adding to the confusion. It talks of “coins”, but there are no physical coins. You’ll hear about “miners”, although there is

The largest solar farm ever completed in the southern hemisphere, Africa and the Middle East region is now in operation and has the ability to provide power to approximately 75 000 South African homes every year. The 175MW, 473-hectare facility is