Browsing: Weekend

By Crom! Jason Momoa as Conan the Barbarian in the film of the same name really has the gods on his side. Whenever he seems to be in mortal peril, you can be sure that some lazy deus ex machina — a ship waiting at the bottom of the right cliff, a convenient rock fall

The trailer for Retribution boasts that it is “SA’s most critically acclaimed thriller”. It’s a valid claim, writes Lance Harris, but it’s not exactly as if the film had to beat off competition from an army of local Hitchcocks and De Palmas to secure the accolade. Yet the film’s

Andy Serkis has been called a 21st century Boris Karloff for his ability to bring a CGI creature to life through his motion capture performances. It’s not the computer imagery that sold audiences on memorable creations like Gollum in the Lord of the Rings films or King Kong

Captain America: The First Avenger, the third Marvel Comics film of blockbuster season, bathes in nostalgia for the black-and-white clarity of the battle against Nazism. Its hero, created during World War 2, is a relic of the days when

When was the last time you saw a shaggy-haired kid with braces or an adolescent writhing uncomfortably in his puppy fat in a Hollywood blockbuster, not as figures of fun but as the heroes? With its believably awkward characters, Super 8 harks

The Bang Bang Club is a film of halves: one of them a harrowing recreation of a turbulent period in SA history, the other an unconvincing “brumance”. Muddling through the middle of these two genres, the film never really ignites the way one would

The gaming industry is in a mid-year slump, with few real blockbuster titles on the horizon until late August. But there are still a few titles that are worth a look while we wait for the likes of Gears of War 3, Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Uncharted 3 to be

Pixar’s Cars was a big commercial success and made heaps of merchandising money, so it is not surprising that this is the only franchise that Pixar has revisited for a sequel besides Toy Story. The sequel, simply called Cars 2, is a slick production

The idea of a game that pairs the eccentric style of No More Heroes designer Suda-51 with the gameplay suss of Resident Evil maestro Shinji Mikami sounds completely irresistible. For that reason, Shadows of the Damned, the

Moon, the debut from Duncan Jones, showed that the director could make a compelling science-fiction film on a shoestring. His new sci-fi thriller, Source Code, proves he is able to create smart and individualistic films even when he is working with a bigger