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All the latest technology news from South Africa and around the world.

The ANC decided at its lekgotla last week that cabinet’s decision in favour of the use of a conditional access system based on encryption was the right one for South Africa’s digital terrestrial television project

The turnover of the broader social sector in South Africa is roughly same as that of the country’s mining industry and a new start-up, Forgood, hopes to use technology to better direct the flow of monetary

Vodacom’s normalised revenues in its third financial quarter ended 31 December 2014 fell by 1,1% year on year to R20bn, with service revenue down by 2,7% to R15,8bn, despite the group adding 5,1m customers

Eskom would implement stage one blackouts from 10am on Wednesday, it said. “There is a high demand for power and Eskom cannot meet the demand,” said spokesman Khulu Phasiwe. He said the risk of blackouts

Vox Telecom, whose main shareholders last month decided against selling the company after considering offers from interested parties, now plans to build its own national fibre-optic broadband backbone

A week after announcing it was sourcing local content for its online video-on-demand platform through the SABC, Times Media Group’s Vidi service has signed a deal with BBC Worldwide, the commercial

The resignation of the National Energy Regulator of South Africa CEO Phindile Baleni will lead to hikes in the electricity price, the Democratic Alliance said on Tuesday. “Sadly, Ms Baleni’s resignation now heightens the

Telkom warned on Tuesday that a recruitment scam is promising successful candidates a paid internship at the company but actually fleecing job seekers out of money. The fraudsters promise those who are successful

Eskom will implement stage one power cuts from 5pm on Tuesday after it earlier cancelled rolling blackouts for the day. “Due to a shortage of electricity generation capacity, Eskom will implement stage one load