Browsing: Microsoft

Today in London, our two companies announced plans for a broad strategic partnership that combines the respective strengths of our companies and builds a new global mobile ecosystem, write Nokia CEO Stephen Elop and Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer

Wow, it’s pretty. That’s the first thought I had when I picked up my first review smartphone running Windows Phone 7, Microsoft’s attempt to stave off irrelevance in the mobile phone operating system market

Microsoft’s proposed R472m black empowerment deal will finally come to fruition after months of delays and discussions with the department of trade & industry. Microsoft was supposed to announce the names of four

While other mainstream media have undergone radical change due to the Internet, television has remained relatively immune to its influences — until now

With 2010 on life support, Ben Kelly and Brett Haggard hook up with Simon Dingle to talk tech. They discuss the launch of Cell C’s new network in Gauteng, discuss ADSL’s local inadequacies, talk about the MacBook Air, and wonder about Xbox Live and Kinect in SA

Consumerisation — the use by business of technologies that were first tested in the consumer market — is one of the IT industry’s buzzwords of the moment. One technology that Microsoft hopes will soon evolve from expensive toy into essential productivity tool is the motion and voice interface featured in Kinect.

Taiwanese handset manufacturer HTC will be the first company to launch smartphones running Microsoft’s new Windows Phone 7 operating system. HTC, whose products are distributed in SA by Leaf

Microsoft is waiting for the department of trade & industry to give it the go-ahead for its empowerment plan where it wants to invest nearly R500m in several local black-owned software development companies.

One of the most curious and unintended side effects of rapid innovation is on language. Rather than making words up, we prefer to frame things in analogy and reference. That’s why we still talk about “opening a window” on a computer, and why we “cut and paste” text and save “bookmarks”

Xbox Live is finally set to launch in SA on 10 November, giving local Xbox 360 owners official access to the service for the first time. The Xbox Live Arcade — a veritable treasure chest of downloadable games — is one of the service’s most attractive features.