Browsing: Xbox

Microsoft on Tuesday night joined the next generation console battle with the announcement of its Xbox One that critics are billing as an all-in-one entertainment device rather than simply a gaming console. While Microsoft gave the world a fairly detailed look at the features and capabilities

Consumerisation — the use by business of technologies that were first tested in the consumer market — is one of the IT industry’s buzzwords of the moment. One technology that Microsoft hopes will soon evolve from expensive toy into essential productivity tool is the motion and voice interface featured in Kinect.

Xbox Live is finally set to launch in SA on 10 November, giving local Xbox 360 owners official access to the service for the first time. The Xbox Live Arcade — a veritable treasure chest of downloadable games — is one of the service’s most attractive features.

Microsoft has moved to claim the high ground for its Xbox 360 line-up ahead of the official opening of the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) on Tuesday in Los Angeles by announcing launch details for its “Project Natal” motion-controlled interface at two separate press events. The software giant told expo delegates that its motion-sensing camera

Easing their way into 2010, our panel of geeks this week consists of Duncan McLeod, Simon Dingle and Toby Shapshak. They discuss On Digital Media, Google and China, the BlackBerry Bold 9700, Internet filtering, and much more