Author: The Conversation

Reports that a cybersecurity expert successfully hacked into an aeroplane’s control system from a passenger seat raises many worrying questions for the airline industry. It was once believed that the cockpit network that allows the pilot to control

There’s this guy that’s pretty sure the thing you’re looking at right now is one of the greatest threats to humanity. No, he’s not talking about our growing obsession with staring at sheets of digitised glass, and the unhealthy sedentary existence associated

A tiny cube, slightly smaller than a loaf of bread, is the new manna to heaven, as the number of nanosatellites being hurled into orbit is increasing substantially. Nanosatellites are small satellites weighing between 1kg and 10kg. CubeSats are box-shaped

Most do not associate Africa with the high-tech sphere of “space”. However, in recent years, many countries on the continent have woken up to the potential and usefulness of space technology. In sub-Saharan Africa, Nigeria and South Africa are

The November 1972 issue of Playboy is the magazine’s bestselling issue of all time. This is not because of the articles, but due to the proliferation of one iconic image from the magazine: that of centrefold model Lena Söderberg. The original image

By now, most people with even a passing interest in science will have heard about the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). It is the world’s largest radio telescope, and will operate over sites in South

“South Africa is fortunate to boast excellence in a large number of cutting-edge science and technology domains. Whether it is in nanotechnology or astronomy, laser technology or high-performance computing, South Africa has made an impact in

While wind and solar power have made great strides in recent years, with renewables now accounting for 22% of electric energy generated, the issue that has held them back has been their transience. The sun doesn’t shine at night and the wind