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All the latest technology news from South Africa and around the world.

Meet the CEO is a new, weekly feature on TechCentral. The aim is to introduce our readers to the people behind the news by providing insights into the leaders shaping South Africa’s ICT industry. Our first interview is with

Mergers and acquisitions in the technology and telecommunications sectors in Africa and the Middle East will more than quadruple in 2018 compared to 2017, according to a new forecast from multinational law firm Baker McKenzie

EOH’s share price plunged more than 20% on Wednesday after the JSE-listed technology services group disappointed investors with a weaker-than-expected earnings update. The update, announced just days after the

The world’s largest music streaming service has gone live in South Africa, a day before the company is due to hold a press conference to announce its local launch. The website went live on Monday afternoon, offering a

EOH, one of South Africa’s largest business technology services companies, has announced a major restructuring, which will result in the creation of two distinct businesses in the group, one of which will continue to trade under

MTN Group could cash in from an initial public offering of Africa’s largest telecommunication towers company by selling down a stake valued by the wireless carrier at about R27bn. IHS Towers, of which Johannesburg-based MTN