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TechCentral is looking for a technology journalist to join its editorial team based in Johannesburg. The seniority of the position and remuneration package will be determined based on experience

Seacom’s undersea cable system is still not carrying traffic through Egypt and onto Europe, despite the fact that the cable is fully built and ready for service. The company continues to rely

Parliament has reappointed Marcia Socikwa as a councillor at the Independent Communications Authority of SA (Icasa) for a second term. Socikwa was one of two shortlisted candidates for the position, the other

Seacom, operator of the fibre-optic submarine cable of the same name along Africa’s east coast, is building nine land-based Internet access points to store popular Web content closer to where the Internet

Vodacom has hinted that it will cut data prices in the next few weeks as competition in SA’s mobile industry hots up. The telecommunications group’s CEO, Pieter Uys, hinted at looming reductions in mobile

The Advertising Standards Authority, which on Thursday found almost entirely in favour of Vodacom over complaints against its rival Cell C’s controversial new advertising campaign, will now consider

Portal 2 isn’t just a sequel to a cult first-person puzzle game. It could also be a major step towards a world where the platform you use to play a game matters less than the game itself. The new title from Valve Software

The battle between Vodacom and Cell C dominates this week’s episode of TalkCentral, the business technology podcast brought to you by TechCentral. But we also find time to talk about a few other issues that caught our attention this week

TechCentral held its first pub quiz on Tuesday evening. The event, with Talk Radio 702’s Aki Anastasiou acting as quiz master for the evening, was a huge success. More than 80 geeks — and a few non-geeks

The next Apple or Google may be found among African telecommunications providers — if they take advantage of mobile applications and services where their Western counterparts haven’t