Search Results: Telkom (2971)

With only 10 episodes remaining before the ZA Tech Show’s 100th episode, Ben Kelly, Brett Haggard and Simon Dingle get together to discuss the looming fines for Telkom, iBurst’s 20Mbit/s ADSL2+ service, Foursquare and other social networking games, and plenty more

We have a bumper show this week. Brett Haggard, Candice Jones, Duncan McLeod, Jon Tullett and Simon Dingle constitute your panel. They discuss, among other things, Microsoft Office 2010, Google Chrome OS and Telkom’s interim results

The department of communications has called a colloquium this week to seek public input on national broadband policy. Previously, it would have been little more than a talk shop. But something constructive may flow out of this meeting. Communications minister Siphiwe Nyanda has breathed fresh life into a ministry left moribund by his predecessor, the late Ivy Matsepe- Casaburri