Search Results: tv (2937)

Mike Brown, MD of wireless telecommunications operator Broadlink, has come a long way from his place of birth in Chingola in Zambia’s copper belt. Brown, 44, who spent the early part of his career at electronics group Nashua, is hoping to build Broadlink, a subsidiary of WBS Holdings in which he holds a minority stake, into a significant alternative infrastructure operator in the business market in SA

Some commentators have speculated that the failure of talks between MTN and India’s Bharti Airtel points to a more protectionist approach by government. If so, it’s troubling. The country ought to be opening up to investors, not scaring them away

This week the ZA Tech Show includes an interview with one of the world’s leading podcasters, Leo Laporte (pictured), chief TWiT at The team also discusses the collapse in the MTN-Bharti talks, interconnection rates, console prices, and much more

I recall a conversation I had three years ago with an older colleague of mine. We both were working for a large media company and were debating the impact of digital media channels and potential displacement of traditional channels and skills. When I told him I was hoping to up skill my traditional media skills to join this digital revolution, he smirked