Browsing: Apple

Apple has apologised to customers for software changes that reduced the performance of older iPhones to prevent unexpected shutdowns, while saying the company hadn’t intentionally set out to shorten the life of the products

Huawei Technologies warned of its slowest revenue growth since 2013, despite making headway against Apple in global smartphones. Revenue at China’s biggest telecommunications gear maker probably rose 15% to 600bn yuan

The Apple Planned Obsolescence Conspiracy Theory Party – of which I’m a vocal, card-carrying member – obtained a substantial piece of new evidence this week: Apple acknowledged it had issued a software update that slows down

Apple is close to acquiring Shazam Entertainment, the start-up whose music recognition app is already built into Apple’s Siri virtual assistant, according to a person familiar with the discussions. A deal for the London-based app maker could be

Apple’s Jony Ive, a key executive credited with the look of many of the company’s most popular products, has re-taken direct management of product design teams. Ive, 50, was named Apple’s chief design officer in 2015 and subsequently

YouTube plans to introduce a paid music service in March, according to people familiar with the matter, a third attempt by Google to catch up with rivals Spotify and Apple. The new service could help appease record industry executives

Xiaomi, the Chinese smartphone maker that was once the most valuable start-up in the world, is in talks with investment banks about a possible initial public offering and seeking a valuation of at least $50bn, according

Apple customers have discovered a significant security flaw in the latest version of the operating system for Mac computers that allows anyone to log in without a password, potentially making private user data vulnerable

iStore, the retail chain owned by Apple distributor Core Group, has unveiled the first cash pricing for the new iPhone X smartphone. Consumers will have to cough up R20 499 for the base model, iStore said