Browsing: Cisco

SA’s neglect of access networks for providing broadband connectivity has resulted in the country slipping in a world quality broadband ranking study conducted by Oxford University with US networking company Cisco. It’s the third study by the university

Kenya and Tanzania are to get high-speed fibre-to-the-home connections offering a triple-play bundle of broadband, telephony and cable television thanks to a US$200m investment from the private sector. The company behind the project, Wananchi — which is backed by Cisco Capital and East Africa Capital Partners — says it would love to do the same in SA, but the regulatory environment here precludes it from doing so.

Why do people fly all over the world? In many cases it’s simply not necessary. And with interesting new videoconferencing technologies being developed, long-haul travel may eventually become the exception in business rather than the rule. It always amazes me how journalist colleagues