Browsing: Facebook Messenger

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s manifesto, penned clearly in response to accusations levelled at the social network in the wake of the bitter US election campaign, is a scary, dystopian document. It shows that Facebook – launched, in Zuckerberg’s

Instant messaging appplications WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger will not combine and will operate independently, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said. The statement was made after WhatsApp’s recent announcement that

Facebook is laying the groundwork for the free messaging service WhatsApp to begin making money, allowing businesses to message its more than one billion users. It’s the first step toward monetising the

Facebook shares jumped in late trading after the company reported second quarter revenue that beat analysts’ projections, lifted by surging sales of video and Instagram ads and a boost in users. Second quarter

Absa has launched ChatBanking for Facebook Messenger, which allows clients to conduct their banking in the chat application. Messenger is the second platform that Absa has brought its ChatBanking service to