Browsing: Goldman Sachs

At first, bitcoin was a way to make payments without banks. Now, with more than US$100bn stashed in digital currencies, banks are debating whether and how to get in on the action. Goldman Sachs Group

Bitcoin traders can breathe a sigh of relief. If JPMorgan Chase & Co’s CEO Jamie Dimon fires them for trading the cybercurrency, Goldman Sachs Group could welcome them with open arms. Goldman is reportedly

A crack has finally formed in the foundation of the US bull market. Now investors must decide if any structural damage has been done. This year’s hottest stocks, companies from Facebook and Apple to Netflix and Nvidia, buckled

Divisions within the ANC are deepening and a potential downgrade of South Africa’s debt rating to junk isn’t fully priced in by markets, according to Goldman Sachs Group. The rand slumped as much as 4,3% against the dollar on

Jia Yueting has all the trappings of a successful Chinese tech entrepreneur with global ambitions. A self-made billionaire who got his start as the IT guy at his local tax bureau, Jia’s flagship Internet video company now sports a US$15bn market capitalisation