Browsing: Mzukisi Qobo

The news that South Africa’s sovereign rating has been downgraded caught many by surprise. But it was long coming. The main reason for the rating agency’s decision is clearly concerns about political leadership

President Jacob Zuma appears increasingly vulnerable in a power struggle with his finance chief after a series of new allegations emerged about the business dealings of members of a wealthy family who are his friends and in business

The fundamental problem confronting South Africa today is a political culture that is defective and out of kilter with the needs of the majority of the people. Innovative thinking about transforming the economy is stunted by political

At first glance, South Africa appears on a road to nowhere, mired in leadership turmoil and economic stagnation that are rolling back many of the hard-won gains of 22 years of multiracial rule. President Jacob Zuma, who’s lurched from one scandal