Browsing: National Security Agency

Did you hear the latest gaffe from government? They want to monitor your WhatsApp messages. The fools! Everyone knows you can’t do that. For one thing, there’s just too much of it. For another, a lot of private communication is now encrypted. From Turkey

Ever since the former US National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden fled to Hong Kong and handed hard drives filled with highly classified documents to the journalists Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras, there has

It may sound far-fetched at first, but there’s a growing fear of the damage a newly aggressive Russia might inflict in a time of tension or conflict simply by damaging or cutting the undersea cables that carry almost all of the West’s Internet traffic. The New

It sometimes seems that whenever security researchers discover some new exploit or malware that allows the monitoring of remote computers, the finger is quickly pointed at the US intelligence agencies. Security firm Kaspersky has revealed a complex

While there is only one world power on the Internet, that situation will not last forever. The Internet’s underpinning technologies were mostly created in the US, the initial networks were based there and today the US hosts the majority of the most powerful Internet companies. Although minor battles