Browsing: Xi Jinping

The US senate plans to advance legislation to restore penalties on ZTE after President Donald Trump drew sharp criticism for easing restrictions to get the Chinese company back in business. The senate is voting late

ZTE is estimating losses of at least 20bn yuan ($3.1bn) from a US technology ban that’s halted major operations as clients pull out of deals and expenses mount, people familiar with the matter said. The telecommunications

More than half a billion Chinese smartphone users face increased monitoring of their mobile app usage thanks to new laws targeting operators including Apple. App stores and providers must establish the identity of users, while

Zimbabwe’s biggest mobile operator, Econet Wireless, is set to get at least US$300m from China Development Bank and ZTE. The loan agreement was announced in South Africa, during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit. In a press

US President Barack Obama warned Chinese President Xi Jinping Friday that the hacking of US companies must stop, as the two leaders agreed not to engage in government-sponsored theft of intellectual property and business secrets in cyberspace. “I raised, once again, our rising concerns