Thank you for listening to the TechCentral podcast. In this episode, Uber Technologies GM for sub-Saharan Africa Alon Lits and the company’s head of business development for the same region, Justin Spratt, chat about the past, present and future of Uber in Africa.
Listen as Lits explains how Uber got its start in South Africa (in Johannesburg), how it tackled its expansion across Africa south of the Sahara and what comes next.
In the wide-ranging conversation, Spratt and Lits share their insights into how the business has grown and some of the challenges it has faced along the way — not least the violence involving metered taxi drivers, but also a regulatory environment that sometimes lags innovation.
The discussion talks about disruptive technologies — though Spratt is not keen on the word “disruption” as he believes it has come to attract negative connotations — and how Uber is changing the way people live and travel.
The discussion touches on subjects such as Uber’s culture, working with regulators and the business opportunities still to come, including the potential impact of autonomous vehicles.
It’s a fascinating discussion. Don’t miss it!
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