Browsing: Ford

Mark Zuckerberg must be very accustomed to getting his way. When you’ve built two platforms with over a billion customers each (Facebook and Messenger), then acquired and grown another two to a similar size

Ford Motor Co is investing US$1bn in a months-old start-up founded by two pioneers in the nascent autonomous vehicle sector. The Pittsburgh-based artificial intelligence company Argo AI will develop the brains – specifically, a virtual

R1,1m. That’s how much communications minister Faith Muthambi has splashed out on a brand-new BMW X5 sports utility vehicle. In a document entitled “Additional information on identified virements” for the

Apple has drastically scaled back its automotive ambitions, leading to hundreds of job cuts and a new direction that, for now, no longer includes building its own car, according to people familiar with the project. Hundreds of members of the car

Ford Motor Co, which put the world on wheels a century ago, is now taking the driver out of the driver’s seat. The company said it plans to have a fully autonomous vehicle – no steering wheel and no accelerator or brake

Just a few days ago, a sliver of news slipped out that went mostly unnoticed, except for a mention here and there. Ford announced an investment in Pivotal, a big data and cloud-based software platform company to further enhance its

Thought Formula 1 was fast-paced? The speed of innovation in the automotive industry makes it look like a donkey-cart race. The past few years have seen the development of disruptive new technologies that are set to change the face of society forever. Ever since the first Model T Ford

One of the most exciting developments in hardware in the last five years has just been announced … by Facebook. No, it’s not yet another smartphone or any kind of personal electronic gadget. It’s something much more important, something with the potential to

Researchers at Ford and Heinz are collaborating to develop a bioplastic using … tomatoes. They’re investigating the use of tomato fibres in developing sustainable, composite materials for use in vehicle manufacturing. Specifically, dried tomato skins could become the wiring brackets