Browsing: Julius Malema

The ANC Youth League’s website has fallen prey to hackers. On Wednesdsay afternoon, the site’s homepage featured a post claiming to be from the “{Blah Blah} protest group” stating that the league’s president

The ANC Youth League may be serious about its warnings to those who create fake Twitter accounts in the name of its president Julius Malema, but it seems to be the only one taking it seriously.

A curious statement released by the ANC Youth League on Wednesday calling for the “closer” of Twitter is fast becoming viral among South Africans on the popular social network. And in an ironic twist, a fake Floyd Shivambu profile

ANC Youth League president Julius Malema wants government to nationalise two private sector-led telecommunications cable initiatives. The firebrand politician told supporters at a rally on Wednesday that the Seacom and East Africa Submarine System (Eassy) undersea cables should be acquired by the state