Browsing: Lance Harris

From its punchy opening, a cinemagoer who goes to see The American knowing little about the film might expect to it keep up the brisk pace of a contemporary espionage actioner like the Jason Bourne trilogy throughout

Gran Turismo 5, the latest release in Sony’s multimillion-selling car simulator franchise, makes it clear from the outset that it is a game designed for the most dedicated of petrolheads. After keeping

What is a superstar, a living legend like John Cleese doing in a mining town like Jo’burg? This is the question that Cleese dryly poses to the audience gathered for a premiere of his new movie Spud at Montecasino in Johannesburg last Saturday night.

From the start, The Social Network is a barrage of words as relentless as a Twitter stream. David Fincher’s fictionalised account of the founding of Facebook doesn’t pause for breath as it fires off its sound bites and zingers at a rate of about a zillion a minute to compress Aaron Sorkin’s dense 162-page script into a concise two-hour film.

There was lot to like about Fallout 3, Bethesda Softworks’ take on the post-apocalyptic franchise. There was the excellent quest design, the flexible character progression system, the massive game world and the sheer depth of the content on offer.

There are few guilty pleasures as satisfying as a new film from Robert Rodriguez, especially when the director is on top form. Like takeaway hamburgers, his movies are deliciously excessive, mostly interchangeable, and leave you feeling somewhat queasy after you’ve consumed them.

Xbox Live is finally set to launch in SA on 10 November, giving local Xbox 360 owners official access to the service for the first time. The Xbox Live Arcade — a veritable treasure chest of downloadable games — is one of the service’s most attractive features.

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, the new game from Ninja Theory, takes its place alongside Heavy Rain and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves as one of the most memorably cinematic games of this console generation.

Few books arrive burdened with as much expectation as Freedom, the new novel from Jonathan Franzen. The book recently put Franzen on the cover of Time magazine, an honour he shares with only a small and elite group of novelists that includes JD Salinger, Vladimir Nabokov and John Updike.

Sony has fired an important salvo in the motion controller moves with the September launch of the PlayStation Move controller for the PlayStation 3. This control scheme is Sony’s bid to capture some of the casual gaming market that Nintendo currently dominates and that Microsoft will also target with its Kinect motion-sensing camera.