Browsing: Post Office

Communications minister Dina Pule said on Thursday that she had instructed the top management of state-owned enterprises that fell under the department’s control that they had to report to her at least once a month in future to update her on progress made. This was a departure

Minister in the presidency Collins Chabane is next week expected to announce the findings of the long-awaited presidential review of state-owned enterprises and speculation is mounting that communications minister Dina Pule will be the big loser in

The South African Police Service has agreed to begin an investigation into alleged corruption involving appointments by communications minister Dina Pule and her alleged romantic partner Phosane Mngqibisa at the department of communications and state-owned entities in the sector. The Democratic Alliance requested

The crippling effect of an illegal strike by postal workers is easing, the Post Office said on Tuesday, adding that it expects to clear the remainder of the backlog in undelivered mail “within a few working days”. The Post Office says the strike at its two main mail-sorting centres

Gauteng postal workers who embarked on a strike last month face dismissal, the Post Office said on Monday. “Following unsuccessful efforts to resolve the current illegal strike, the Post Office has initiated procedures to dismiss the postal workers who participated in the illegal strike in Gauteng,” it said in a statement

The crippling strike at the Post Office’s Johannesburg and Pretoria sorting centres hasn’t been called off officially but employees are returning to work. The backlog in undelivered mail is expected to take up to four weeks to process. The strike

Communications minister Dina Pule is in the spotlight after a dossier of allegations against her was leaked to the Mail & Guardian this week. The dossier, substantial elements of which were independently confirmed to the M&G by communication department officials familiar with the circumstances, paints a picture

The Democratic Alliance (DA) has raised the idea of creating R700m national venture capital fund, funded by the state, to provide investment capital to help early-stage businesses. The proposal is contained in the opposition political party’s “alternative budget”, published on Tuesday and available here

Public enterprises minister Malusi Gigaba wants all parastatals to be brought under his department to drive economic growth, he told the Sunday Times at the weekend. His department currently controlled eight parastatals, including SAA, Transnet, Eskom and Denel. With the exception of Broadband Infraco

The theft of R42m from the SPost Office’s financial institution, Postbank, was condemned by parliament’s communications portfolio committee on Monday. Portfolio chairman Eric Kholwane said the bank’s security network needed to be tightened to prevent such a “hi-tech cyber heist”. He appreciated