Browsing: SOS Coalition

Cabinet’s decision to provide free set-top boxes to 5m poor South Africans does not go far enough, two public broadcasting advocacy groups have said. Media Monitoring Africa and the SOS Coalition say government should have required that

MultiChoice has hit back strongly at claims by another media group Caxton and by two public broadcasting advocacy groups that its 2013 deal with the SABC over the supply of two television

Media group Caxton and two public broadcasting advocacy groups, SOS: Support Public Broadcasting Coalition and Media Monitoring Africa, are challenging a 2013 deal between MultiChoice and the SABC that appears to have led to the latter abandoning its support of

A court battle is set to rage over newly expanded powers that communications minister Faith Muthambi has gained over the SABC board, City Press newspaper reported on Sunday. “The changes

Campaigners will march across South Africa this weekend to demand cheaper and broader access to communications, with march organisers saying government has “handed the democratising power of telecommunications to

Government has backtracked on plans to have communications regulator Icasa report to the newly created department of communications, which also houses the SABC, Brand South Africa and other entities, a highly placed source with knowledge of the development has told TechCentral. Instead

What was the president thinking? Last Sunday, Jacob Zuma sent shockwaves through South Africa’s technology industry by dumping his hardworking communications minister, Yunus Carrim – arguably the most competent person to fill the portfolio since the 1990s – and splitting the ministry in

The SOS Coalition, which represents trade unions, community media and content producers hoping to support quality public broadcasting in South Africa, has slammed President Jacob Zuma’s decision to dump his communications minister, Yunus Carrim, instead creating two new departments headed by two new ministers. The Coalition has accused Zuma of

The set-top boxes that South Africans will need to watch digital terrestrial television should be given away for free to poor people because, by the time the country has finally migrated from analogue to digital broadcasting, anyone who can afford a set-top box will already