Browsing: Steve Song

In 2015, Facebook launched its Free Basics app, offering a limited suite of Internet services for free in partnership with mobile network operators around the world. This provoked widespread debate on whether Free Basics violated

The telecommunications landscape is changing. The mobile revolution is maturing and entering a new phase of slower growth. The rapid spread of fibre-optic networks is increasing the ability of existing operators to deliver

“It costs more to get data to the coast than it does to get it the rest of the way to Europe.” Since the arrival of high-capacity undersea fibre-optic cables to African shores in 2009, I have heard this complaint

Communications regulator Icasa took everyone by surprise on Friday when it said it was pushing ahead with an auction to allocate wireless broadband spectrum in the 700MHz, 800MHz and 2,6GHz bands. The auction is likely to attract only big

Earlier this week, the Indian communications regulator announced it would forbid the provision of differential pricing for data services on the basis of content. This decision effectively bans Facebook’s Free Basics initiative, which offers access to