Browsing: Tata

MTN may be in talks to buy a stake in giant Indian telecommunications operator Tata Teleservices and its associated business Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra). The Hindustan Times quotes unnamed sources with knowledge of the discussions as confirming talks are underway. “It is too early to comment on the level of discussions

India’s Tata Communications, which owns a controlling interest in local telecommunications operator Neotel, says SA is crucial to the company’s strategy of expanding into Southern Africa and into the continent more broadly. To do this, Tata Communications CEO Vinod Kumar says the company needs to deepen existing partnerships in the region and forge new ones. He won’t be drawn into acquisition

As scandals go, it is a corker. It involves secret recordings of lobbyists talking to tycoons about ministers, fraudulent documents, unrelated firms that share the same e-mail address, clueless foreigners piling into a vast market, bank drafts with dates that make no sense, PR flacks taped schmoozing

One of SA’s largest listed IT companies, Gijima, on Monday withdrew a cautionary statement that it was involved in discussions that could have had an effect on its share price. All discussions have been “terminated”. Rumours have circulated in recent weeks that

Neotel is playing down the importance of the retail consumer market to its business, saying its main focus into the future will be on the corporate and wholesale markets. This is after the company signed up fewer than 50 000 retail subscribers. CEO Ajay Pandey says Neotel’s ideal revenue mix is 10% from its retail consumer business, 30% from the wholesale business and 60% from the enterprise space. It does not plan to exit the retail market.