Browsing: The Prepaid Company

Cell C’s largest shareholder, the JSE-listed Blue Label Telecoms, said on Friday that The Buffet Consortium plans to buy a minority shareholding in Cell C that will bolster the mobile operator’s balance sheet.

After more than 18 months of negotiation, Blue Label is finally poised to buy a 45% stake in Cell C for R5.5bn, a deal that is set to transform both companies. Blue Label shareholders approved

Blue Label Telecoms, the company that is in the throes of acquiring a significant minority stake in mobile operator Cell C, said on Tuesday that it plans to spend R1.9bn on a separate acquisition – of smartphone distributors 3G Mobile

Blue Label Telecoms is pushing ahead with a plan to recapitalise Cell C in terms of which it will become a 45% shareholder, through subsidiary The Prepaid Company, in South Africa’s third largest mobile operator. The JSE-listed company said