We know that as a prospective advertiser, you are spoilt for choice. Our job is to demonstrate why TechCentral delivers the best return for your advertising spend.
We are South Africa’s largest business-focused technology news website, producing the country’s best and most insightful online tech news, analysis and opinion aimed at industry professionals and those interested in the fast-changing world of technology.
We provide news, reviews, comment and analysis, without fear or favour, that is of direct relevance to our expanding audience of business decision makers.
In short, we reach technology decision makers in business in South Africa — and we do it better than anyone else.
TechCentral, which is edited and written by award-winning South African journalists, cares about delivering top-quality content to draw in the business readers who are of most interest to technology advertisers.
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Numerous opportunities exist for companies interested in reaching our audience of key technology decision makers in South Africa. We offer packages, including banner advertising, promoted content, sponsorship packages on South Africa’s leading technology podcasts (including the TechCentral Show), and round-table events, that deliver the very best returns on investment available in the online technology news space.
For more information about advertising opportunities, and how your organisation can benefit by working with our team of editorial, sales and CRM specialists, please send an e-mail to sales@techcentral.co.za and ask for our latest rate card and brochure, or fill in the contact form below.
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While you’re here, we’d like to let you know that TechCentral proudly displays the “FAIR” stamp of the Press Council of South Africa, indicating our commitment to adhere to the code of ethics for print and online media, which prescribes that our reportage is truthful, accurate and fair. Should you wish to lodge a complaint about our news coverage, please lodge a complaint on the Press Council’s website, www.presscouncil.org.za, or e-mail the complaint to enquiries@ombudsman.org.za. Contact the Press Council on 011 484 3612.