But research conducted at Unisa has found there’s a huge disconnect between the privacy that consumers expect and are legally entitled to, and what organisations are doing to meet their obligations.
Author: The Conversation
Mainstream financial institutions are adopting cryptocurrencies in what is perhaps the most profound development since the birth of bitcoin a decade ago.
Access-based consumption has obscured the rise of a range of fragmented ownership configurations in the digital realm that provide the customer with an illusion of ownership while restricting their ownership rights.
Music streaming has a far worse carbon footprint than the peak of records and CDs, new findings show.
The conventional wisdom is that a major restructuring of Eskom will address the crisis facing that state-owned utility and the country. But this is misleading.
Why do we exist? A new experiment at Cern’s Large Hadron Collider has taken us a step closer to figuring it out.
Facebook is reportedly preparing to launch its own version of bitcoin, for use in its messaging applications, WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram. There are good reasons to be sceptical about its potential.
Thirty years after the World Wide Web was created, a third generation of Web technology might offer a way to enable better user control, more competition between Internet firms and less dominance by the large corporations.
Already in 2019 there have been Internet shutdowns in Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Chad, Sudan and Zimbabwe.
The role of public research institutions like science councils in national innovation systems has been diminishing in most developed countries.