Author: The Conversation

The recent announcement of the imminent opening of a rival stock exchange to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange caused considerable media excitement. It is indeed a historic development in South Africa’s economic history and is to

When Anonymous declared “total war” on Donald Trump in early March, the hacktivist group set a countdown clock, calling on “everyone to target Trump websites” on 1 April. But that may not have been its real objective. Regardless of what, if anything

“Even that family, if people feel it has to be brought to book, structures must do that, the officials must call them and talk to them and give them a marching order not through shouting outside because all of us in the NEC [African National Congress National

When you mention virtual reality (VR), most people’s thoughts turn to videogames. Indeed, Sony has just announced its new Playstation VR headset. But VR isn’t just about gaming. There are many other interesting and exciting uses for it. Education

On Saturday, 26 March, Britain’s Independent newspaper will publish its last edition in print. The Independent on Sunday sold for the last time on 20 March. The distinctive El Pais of Madrid has announced that it will take “a step from paper to digital”. The

Most people are bamboozled by bitcoin. It’s shrouded in jargon and geek speak. It borrows physical metaphors from all over the place adding to the confusion. It talks of “coins”, but there are no physical coins. You’ll hear about “miners”, although there is

South Africa’s political landscape is shifting almost by the hour. The gloves are off in a power struggle that pits President Jacob Zuma against a group of reformers, led by finance minister Pravin Gordhan. It is a high-stakes drama that has profound, long-term

It’s not every day that I feel the need to fight with Martin Wolf. The Financial Times commentator is an eminently respectable analyst and most of the time makes good sense. However, last week he sort of lost the plot. Wolf has written that technology will do to finance