Advances in providing Internet access to people in Africa are worth celebrating.
Author: The Conversation
Deciding on the best system isn’t a simple matter. There’s a bewildering array of jargon to sift through and many elements to consider.
When booking a flight, do you ever think about which seat will protect you the most in an emergency? Probably not.
With the music industry still adjusting to disruptions caused by the Internet and streaming services, along comes artificial intelligence to shake things up again.
Scientists have found eight strange new signals they can’t yet explain, while South Africa’s MeerKAT has been enlisted in the search for ET.
New research shows it is possible to transmit information wirelessly without any need to send power to an antenna.
Psychologists believe our style of social media usage has important effects on our psychological wellbeing.
These 10 images demonstrate the staggering power of humanity’s new window to the universe.
Nuclear fusion holds huge promise as a source of clean, abundant energy that could power the world.
Eskom needs a new management team, this is clear. But the country also needs new leadership.