Browsing: In-depth

Computers operate better in cold conditions. That’s a good thing, because when TechCentral paid a visit to Fifa’s IT command centre for the 2010 World Cup at Nasrec, outside Soweto, on Wednesday this week, the winter air was arctic. The command centre, located next to the International Broadcast Centre, consists of several dozen engineers and technicians manning computers and keeping a watchful eye on giant images projected onto

Motion controls and 3D will dominate your gaming experience in the years to come if the major console manufacturers have…

Are you stuck at work, sitting behind a desk, when you’d much rather be in the pub or on the couch watching the soccer? Don’t worry. You’re not alone. But with dozens of websites offering live coverage and useful information related the 2010 soccer World Cup, every desk jockey can keep pace with the beautiful game

Politics. That may be the real reason Telkom CEO Reuben September’s contract is not being renewed when it expires in November. According to well-placed sources, he’s had a troubled relationship with the ANC under President Jacob Zuma after he oversaw the disposal of Telkom’s 50% stake in Vodacom. To understand the background, one has to go back to May

Skyrove, a specialist wireless hotspot company, plans to launch an audacious bid for national radio frequency spectrum and, if it gets it, it plans to build a network to take on the country’s incumbent mobile operators. The company, run by CEO Henk Kleynhans, plans to participate in an auction for national radio frequency in the 2,6GHz ba