How much is your privacy on Facebook worth? This question has seen renewed attention following the revelation that political analysis firm Cambridge Analytica, hired by the Donald Trump election campaign, gained access to
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The suspended CEO of the state-owned Universal Service & Access Agency of South Africa, Lumko Mtimde, has come out guns blazing against his employer in the labour court, accusing the agency’s board and
In hindsight, Elon Musk’s statement at the beginning of Tesla’s latest earnings call that “We’re going to go as long as there are good questions to answer” sounds less like encouragement and more like a warning
I’ve long been a critic of Apple, but today I give up: it’s the perfect technology company for this day and age, an example to the rest of Silicon Valley. After Apple’s latest results announcement, one could knock it yet again
Meet the CEO is a new, weekly feature on TechCentral. The aim is to introduce our readers to the people behind the news by providing insights into the leaders shaping South Africa’s ICT industry. Our eighth interview in the series
Propagandist cyber tactics planted during the Zupta era must be uprooted so that South Africans can assert that factual accuracy and truth matter. Over the past few years, the battle over what constitutes the truth has
Apple’s results confirmed that, while the days of double-digit smartphone industry growth are over, CEO Tim Cook has a plan to withstand the slowdown. The shares gained in late trading on Tuesday after
Apple is now exactly the company that investors slowly started to accept in recent months. Whether that is good or bad news is entirely in the eye of the beholder. What’s clear is that Apple is having trouble
The suspension of the tender process by social services agency Sassa to find a new service provider that will be responsible for cash payments to 2.5m elderly and disabled beneficiaries has raised fears of a sequel
When the continent’s largest mobile operator by subscribers, MTN, appointed Rob Shuter as group CEO, Stephen van Coller as one of its vice presidents and Ralph Mupita as chief financial officer in 2016, the strategy was plain