Browsing: In-depth

Last week, the Financial Services Board granted the fourth new stock exchange licence issued in the past two years. The licence was awarded to Equity Express Securities Exchange, and follows those given to ZAR X

Dear Mr Dimon, a few days ago, you called bitcoin and cryptocurrencies a “fraud”. You said bitcoin is “not a real thing” and that governments “would close it down”. I understand your perspective and, in fact, I shared a similar view

If you’re an actor or producer in Hollywood, it’s hard to miss the flag Netflix has planted in Tinseltown. Its new 14-storey tower is visible for kilometres in sprawling Los Angeles, topped by the company’s red logo. The smell of popcorn

I know what many of you are thinking: there is no way you’ll pay US$1 000 (R13 000 before import duties and other taxes) or more for an iPhone. Let’s revisit this thought in six months after you’ve sashayed out of your local phone

If you believe the optimists, self-driving cars will dominate our roads within a couple decades. This will reduce or even eliminate such human-created ills as traffic jams and fatal accidents. I’m not so

The secret to switching the global energy system entirely to renewables may lie in the universe’s most abundant substance. Hydrogen has drawn backing from big energy companies from Royal Dutch Shell to Uniper in addition to

Could bitcoin be the next gold? The idea has a lot of intuitive appeal. Gold bugs and bitcoin fetishists tend to share a deep distrust of fiat currency and the nation state, an impregnable bullishness about their favoured asset class