Browsing: Competition Commission

Don’t blame Telkom for using its monopoly to strangle the local Internet sector — the government allowed it to. This seems to be a recurring theme in Telkom’s defence of its rapacious pricing being heard by the Competition Tribunal. The telecommunications giant stands accused

By refusing to sell telecommunications circuits to Dimension Data’s virtual private network (VPN) provider OmniLink, Telkom hindered a planned merger between OmniLink and its Didata stable mate Internet Solutions (IS), the Competition Tribunal

Despite Telkom’s claim that certain alleged violations of which it stands accused are no longer happening, there “is still the propensity for them to reoccur” and “an interdict remains both competent and desirable”, the Competition Commission

Beginning next Monday, the Competition Tribunal will hear wide-ranging case against Telkom for alleged anticompetitive behavior that could see it fined as much as R3,5bn if found guilty. The case stems from an investigation conducted by the Competition Commission in 2004

The Competition Commission has finally ruled in a case of alleged price fixing by MTN and Vodacom, finding in favour of the two operators. The matter had been under investigation since 2004

Telkom’s attempt to have one of two potentially damaging competition cases against it quashed has been dashed by the Competition Tribunal. The case relates to allegations of abuse of dominance referred to

The Competition Commission wants to add charges against Telkom in two cases of alleged market position abuse, which is now being investigated by the Competition Tribunal. Telkom faces potential charges of up to R7bn

The sale of SA’s Dimension Data to Japan’s Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp (NTT) has received approval from the Competition Commission. The Commission has referred the deal to the Competition Tribunal and has recommended the deal go through without conditions.