Browsing: Juanita Clark

News that Parkhurst residents have embarked on a project to deliver high-speed fibre access to homes and businesses in their neighbourhood represents a watershed moment that could lead to a broader roll-out of fibre to the home (FTTH) in South Africa. In areas like Parkhurst in Johannesburg, where housing is fairly dense by South

The City of Tshwane in Pretoria has launched a website offering an automated wayleave system for telecommunications operators wanting to lay fibre-optic infrastructure in the city. A wayleave is permission to use someone else’s property to deploy infrastructure

Crime is threatening to tear apart South Africa’s fledgling fibre-optic telecommunications industry as naked corruption by local government officials, deliberate damage to infrastructure by criminal syndicates and repeated threats of physical violence force sector players to stop building networks in parts of the country that desperately need

Fibre telecommunications industry lobby group, the FTTH Council Africa, has decided to take legal steps against the Ekurhuleni metropolitan municipality over a moratorium on new fibre projects in the vast East Rand region. The council has been threatening

Fibre telecommunications industry lobby group, the FTTH Council Africa, has given the Ekurhuleni metropolitan municipality until noon on Wednesday to lift a moratorium on fibre projects on Gauteng’s East Rand or face court action. FTTH Council Africa CEO Juanita Clark had earlier said the council would take the municipality

Fibre telecommunications industry lobby group, the FTTH Council Africa, has warned it will take the Ekurhuleni metropolitan municipality to court on Friday if it continues to enforce a moratorium, introduced on Tuesday, on new fibre installations on Gauteng’s East Rand. FTTH Council Africa CEO Juanita Clark says the moratorium on granting new way leaves

Government should place a “moratorium” on the construction of new copper-cable infrastructure for telecommunications by no later than the end of 2015, says fibre lobby group FTTH Council Africa. “We believe the department of communications needs to consider the future of broadband penetration and to place a deadline on the deployment

FTTH Council Africa, an industry body representing companies in the fibre infrastructure business in SA, has welcomed news that government will meet with local and provincial governments in November to finalise guidelines to facilitate the deployment of fibre-optic

In the latest episode of Tech Talk, TechCentral editor Duncan McLeod chats to Juanita Clark, CEO of the FTTH Council Africa, about the challenges facing telecommunications companies in building fibre networks in SA. Clark talks about the need to facilitate rights of way

Someone once said that a “successful company is one that lays a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at them”. With that in mind, I do not believe it’s too late for Telkom. Recently, Vodacom Group CEO Pieter Uys