Openserve, South Africa’s biggest telecommunications infrastructure provider, has been through enormous changes in the nine years since it became a separate brand and a subsidiary of the Telkom Group in 2015.

    In the latest podcast in a five-part series of interviews with Openserve executives, the company’s CEO, Althon Beukes, tells TechCentral’s TCS+ about these changes and what they have meant for the company and the broader market, including its internet service provider partners.

    Beukes provides an overview of these changes, including the recent spinoff of Openserve into a separate subsidiary within Telkom.

    In the interview, Beukes reflects on:

    • The changing dynamics of the telecoms infrastructure market in South Africa;
    • Why there’s been a slowdown in the roll-out of fibre-optic networks;
    • How Openserve is performing considering the broader market context;
    • How load shedding and load reduction have impacted Openserve, and the investments it has made to overcome the challenge;
    • The shift away from legacy copper technologies and the big growth in next-generation services, and what’s driving that demand;
    • The potential for industry consolidation – and why much depends on the outcome of the ongoing Competition Tribunal investigation into Vodacom’s acquisition of up to a 40% stake in Vumatel parent company Maziv;
    • What Openserve would like to see flowing from the Competition Tribunal process; and
    • Openserve’s future plans, including where it’s headed in the coming years.

    Do not miss a fascinating discussion – and the rest of the interviews in the series.

    Listen to this episode of TCS+

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