Browsing: Weekend

There’s this guy that’s pretty sure the thing you’re looking at right now is one of the greatest threats to humanity. No, he’s not talking about our growing obsession with staring at sheets of digitised glass, and the unhealthy sedentary existence associated

It’s not often that a tent-pole summer film as bonkers as Mad Max: Fury Road comes along, and that’s enough reason to celebrate the return of the Australian road warrior after a 30-year absence from cinema screens. Helmed by George Miller

The Marvel Comics money printing machine rolls on with the release of Avengers: Age of Ultron, the headlining act in “phase two” of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It’s predictably big, slick

In a music buying industry now dominated by iTunes and music streaming services such as Spotify, Napster, Pandora and Jay-Z’s recently released Tidal, the CD and physical music store are reportedly in sharp (and potentially terminal) decline. But a curious development

How do we become the people we are? In AMC’s Breaking Bad we saw how Walter White ended up as Heisenberg and how Jesse Pinkman ended up more broken than he began. But what about Saul Goodman

If you watch the upcoming season 5 finale of The Walking Dead, the story will likely evoke events from previous episodes, while making references to an array of minor and major characters. Such storytelling devices belie the show’s simplistic scenario of zombie survival

Neill Blomkamp’s 2009 debut feature, District 9, seemed to signal the arrival of a major new talent with the dark wit and visual flair to become the new Paul Verhoeven of Total Recall and Robocop fame. Elysium’s poor scripting and wooden performances left his potential

From The Terminator to The Matrix, science-fiction movies have captured our fear of dystopian futures where we are ruled or subjugated by our own robotic creations. But Neill Blomkamp’s new film, Chappie features a far more humanised robot. Along with

“All the animals come out at night,” said one of cinema’s most memorable misfits in Taxi Driver, and among nocturnal prowlers, few are hungrier, more relentless and more cold-blooded than Nightcrawler’s