Ever since Donald Trump fired the first shot in the US trade war with China, one technology company has been sitting in the middle, trying to avoid the crossfire.
Browsing: In-depth
The post-pandemic landscape will be very different. The individual’s autonomy over their data may be lost forever. Our mobiles will keep us safe – by spying on us.
The rapid emergence of the pandemic defaulted policy to intervene first and ask questions later. But the dust is now settling, and the strategic endgame can and should be made transparent.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has won praise for his response to the coronavirus outbreak. Now, he’s risking a public backlash after members of his cabinet reversed some of his measures and made racially charged statements.
For now, telecommunications companies insist the pandemic will only delay the roll-out by several months. That may be optimistic.
Tracking people infected with Covid-19 has become an important weapon in global responses to combating the virus. But at what cost?
As bitcoin’s “halving” approaches, the cryptocurrency’s supporters and sceptics are debating what kind of impact it may have on the coin’s value. What does it all mean?
This is bigger than the market havoc of the pandemic. The collapse in the cost of solar energy is just the beginning of an energy world with more and more moments of being better than too cheap to meter.
Stephen Wolfram is a cult figure in programming and mathematics. Last week, he launched a new venture: the Wolfram Physics Project, an ambitious attempt to develop a new physics of our universe.
Society is seemingly trapped in amber, frozen in place by the coronavirus. But really we’re speeding ever faster toward a technological future.