From noon on Wednesday until the same time this Saturday, IBM is facilitating an online dialogue between members of the National Planning Commission (NPC) and ordinary South Africans. Called the “NPC Jam”, the 72-hour event is intended to allow anyone who

Avusa CEO Prakash Desai has resigned, the company said on Wednesday. Desai stepped down on Monday and MD of media, Michael Robertson, would act in his place, the Avusa board said in an online statement. Avusa is one of SA’s largest media houses, and publishes

Anyone who’s been been shopping for a tablet in recent months will know that for all their bells and whistles, no Android-based tablet has yet been able to quite match up to the Apple iPad. No tablet, that is, until the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. Close inspection reveals

Altech CEO Craig Venter believes East Africa remains a powerful opportunity despite the region dragging down the JSE-listed technology group’s results in the six months to the end of August. The East Africa business reported an operating loss

Sitting at your desk doing Internet banking may make you feel safe. After all, it is not a bank, where someone can steal your bulging wallet when you step outside. But that friendly e-mail claiming to be from your bank and asking you for your details could cost you and

More than 17 years after SA’s first democratic elections, politicians are still indecisive over how to extend connectivity into rural areas and bridge the so-called “digital divide”. Government continues to concoct ideologically confused plans. Instead, it should just get

Profits at JSE-listed technology and telecommunications group Altech have fallen sharply in the six months to 31 August as a result, in large part, of pressure on its once high-flying operations in East Africa. Profit for the period was R137m, down from R232m a year

Alan Knott-Craig Jr is looking for attention. He wants so much of it, in fact, that he’s just bought the attention of 40m people in 120 countries. Yes, I’m talking about the MXit acquisition. Last week, in a completely unexpected move, Knott-Craig swooped in and bought Africa’s biggest social

Broadband, whether fixed or mobile, should be billed on a per-usage basis or via reasonably priced bundles, but under no circumstances should be uncapped, says Altech Technology Concepts CEO Wayne de Nobrega. “The idea of uncapped is

On Wednesday, US online retail giant Amazon will launch its first tablet computer, the Google Android-powered device that technology site TechCrunch reckons will be called the Kindle Fire. With dozens of tablets in the market already, the obvious question is