Browsing: Nersa

Eskom’s application for a 16% price hike over five years is vital to cushion the economy against a shock of a sudden tariff rise, public enterprises minister Malusi Gigaba said on Tuesday. Briefing the parliamentary committee on public enterprises, Gigaba was reluctant to declare whether Eskom’s

Eskom has asked for a 16%/year increase in electricity prices for the next five years – an effective doubling in the price over the period. This will increase costs for mobile operators and data-centre providers, with costs eventually flowing through to consumers, industry players have warned. Vox Telecom

Eskom has asked for a 16% increase in electricity prices each year for the next five years, the parastatal said on Monday. This would more than double the price of electricity from 61c/kWh in 2012/13 to 128c/kWh in 2017/18. Eskom has submitted its application

Revelations that electricity from Eskom’s Medupi power station could come in at an estimated 97c/kWh suggest SA could have got better value from renewable technologies such as wind. The power utility told parliamentarians that finance charges on its new power stations would be an estimated R25bn for Medupi in Limpopo

Eskom is mulling the wisdom of demanding tariff increases that will make the electricity price fully cost-reflective in five years, the utility said on Tuesday. “That is what we in Eskom are discussing at the moment,” finance chief Paul O’Flaherty said on the sidelines of a briefing to parliament’s portfolio committee on

The national energy regulator confirmed on Wednesday that it aims to heed Eskom’s call to have South Africans pay cost reflective electricity prices by 2018. Nersa’s Thembani Bukula said the regulator would receive Eskom’s medium term tariff application, called MYPD3, by the end of the month, and then hold consultations