Browsing: Telkom

Telkom’s new mobile operator, 8ta, will introduce per-second billing for prepaid customers from 15 May. Until now, calls were billed per-minute. “All new prepaid customers will be billed on a

First National Bank’s Internet service provider, FNB Connect, will offer its subscribers free access to YouTube for two months, effective until the end of June, in a sign of increasing competition in the broadband market

Dimension Data SA chairman Andile Ngcaba is quietly building a new type of telecommunications business under his Convergence Partners investment vehicle. From satellites to undersea cables

The arrival of the Western African Cable System (Wacs), which landed in the west coast town of Yzerfontein on Tuesday will accelerate competition in the local market. But, according to experts, the impact on broadband prices may not

The battlefield is ready, the guns are out and SA’s mobile operators are shuffling troops into position for what could turn into a protracted war. The latest operator to fire a salvo into the field of battle is Telkom’s 8ta

Altech CEO Craig Venter says the group’s appointment of former acting group Telkom CEO Jeffrey Hedberg as its chief operating officer from 1 July will help propel it onto the “world stage” in

AltX-listed Vox Telecom says there is still a good three years of life left in the least-cost routing (LCR) market. This is despite the big cuts in mobile and fixed-line termination rates, the rates that

SA and Africa have never had it so good. Almost every month brings news of some or other big broadband project. The latest, a plan to build a high-capacity cable between Brazil, SA and Angola, will bring terabits of new

The first submarine fibre system to serve SA along Africa’s west coast in nine years came ashore at Yzerfontein, north of Cape Town, on Tuesday morning. The 14 000km-long West African Cable System (Wacs), with a design capacity