Browsing: Trustwave

Identity theft is costing South Africa a fortune and the scale of the problem is on the increase, says a research organisation. According to Cleardata, ID theft contributed to the loss of R1bn from local companies in 2014 alone. The Fraud Prevention Association

In its 2014 Global Security Report, information security specialist Trustwave estimates that investigations into security breaches increased by 53,6% last year compared to 2012. The data was gathered from 24 countries. Trustwave Africa director Andrew Kirkland says many organisations don’t have the skills to address information security adequately, and many businesses

A major security breach involving the theft of South African bank account holders’ details by one or more criminal syndicates may go down as one of the worst such incidents in the country’s history. Criminals infected point-of-sale terminals in South African fast-food outlets and restaurants with

Defending against cybercrime requires constant vigilance and training and collaboration between financial institutions, government departments and anyone else who is vulnerable to attack. That’s the view of Andrew Kirkland, country manager at cyber security firm Trustwave, who says there