Sage Africa and Middle East vice president for small business Viresh Harduth returns to the podcast for a discussion on how, despite everything that has happened over the past 18 months, the small business sector in South Africa remains resilient and vibrant.
That’s according to new Sage research that shows that, despite the recent turbulence in South Africa, including the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, smaller enterprises remain optimistic about the future.
Of the small businesses surveyed, 18% anticipate they will be more profitable post-pandemic, 36% expect to return to trading as before, and 42% expect to be less profitable. That’s despite the serious toll that Covid-19 lockdowns have taken on the economy.
In the podcast, Harduth examines the relationship between embracing technology — together with understanding financials — and business resilience.
He discusses how business owners can enhance this resilience through effective expense management, proactive collection and pricing to succeed.
The podcast focuses on profitability in the small business sector and delves into the details, small shifts and techniques to employ to ensure pricing architecture will build a robust and sustainable business, while avoiding typical small business pricing missteps.
Harduth also talks to the relationship between brand resonance and pricing structure, positioning products and services in bundles, and where technology fits into the mix. While often daunting to the small business owner, business intelligence tools are the small business’s greatest ally, he explains in the podcast.
Don’t miss the discussion!
For more information on Sage’s offering for small businesses, please click here, and for more great business tips, have a read here.
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