Renewable energy has the potential to accelerate growth and set South Africa on a course towards a low-carbon economy, energy minister Gwede Mantashe has said.
Browsing: Energy and sustainability
Government is considering taking over part or all of Eskom’s R392-billion in debt, the International Monetary Fund has disclosed.
Government has published proposed changes to the Electricity Regulation Act that will facilitate the opening of the national power grid to private generators.
Government is in talks with potential investors in green hydrogen projects, with Germany having identified the country as a key source of the fuel.
European scientists on have announced fresh progress in the drive to make nuclear fusion a practical, safe and clean energy source.
The introduction of utility-scale battery storage into the national power grid is imminent, but grossly inadequate, according to the South African Energy Storage Association.
Just a day after terminating a week-long bout of load shedding, Eskom said on Monday that rotational power cuts will return from 9pm on Monday evening.
The maximum percentage contribution by renewable sources towards electricity supplied in South Africa occurred at 1pm on 1 November last year.
Energy minister Gwede Mantashe said he suspended a community representative from the board of the regulator because he’s an opponent of atomic power.
Energy minister Gwede Mantashe is being sued following the suspension of a National Nuclear Regulator board member who also works with a group fighting the lifetime extension of Koeberg.