Samsung Electronics is expected to unveil a range of new flagship smartphones on Tuesday night, including its latest foldable handset and its new Galaxy S20 series.
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Chinese gadget manufacturer TCL Communication has become the latest company to scale back its presence at upcoming tech show Mobile World Congress over concerns about coronavirus.
Eskom recently attempted to ensure that there would be no load shedding during the morning peak of 6am to 9am. There are a number of problems with this short-lived plan.
Eskom has lost its bid to have a court overrule the state energy regulator and allow higher tariffs.
Vestas Wind Systems is shopping for a new buyer for its 12.5% stake in Africa’s largest wind farm after Google dropped plans to purchase it following project delays.
EOH Holdings has announced that Andrew Mthembu has been appointed as full-time chairman following the death last month of previous chairman Xolani Mkhwanazi.
As Chinese-based manufacturers begin to restart factories on Monday, no one knows for sure when they’ll be back at full-speed – or what sort of chaos may ensue.
Samsung Electronics on Sunday gave the world its first official look at the company’s upcoming, more compact foldable smartphone in a commercial that aired during the Academy Awards ceremony.
The Wacs cable system broke off the coast of Congo after it became trapped and embedded in dense and heavy sediment caused by the flow of turbulent waters in an undersea canyon.
All of last week, Tesla was tempting and taunting the pros, lighting up brokerage phone lines and getting blood pumping like no time since 1999.