The ANC has told President Jacob Zuma’s government that it should rescind a decision to reappoint Brian Molefe as CEO of state power utility Eskom, party secretary-general Gwede Mantashe said.
ANC officials told the government of their position at a meeting on Monday attended by Zuma, Mantashe said by phone from Johannesburg.
The ANC previously condemned the reappointment of Molefe, who resigned as head of Eskom in November after a graft probe questioned his conduct.
“They should look into that; ideally they should reverse that decision,” Mantashe said on Tuesday. “We are hoping that they are starting on it immediately.”
The public protector found in a report last year that Molefe favoured the Gupta family, which is in business with Zuma’s son, by awarding coal-supply contracts and helping them buy Optimum Coal. He and Eskom denied wrongdoing, with Molefe crying in a 3 November briefing. — (c) 2017 Bloomberg LP