The cash-strapped state-owned signal distributor, Sentech, appears to have cut an illegal deal to sell wireless broadband spectrum that benefited politically connected businessmen, led by Eddie Funde, the controversial former chairman of the SABC who is now South Africa’s ambassador to Germany.
Screamer Telecoms was still using Sentech’s radio frequency spectrum as recently as October 2009, internal Sentech documents leaked to TechCentral have revealed. This is despite the state-owned company cancelling the agreement with Screamer
One of the most curious and unintended side effects of rapid innovation is on language. Rather than making words up, we prefer to frame things in analogy and reference. That’s why we still talk about “opening a window” on a computer, and why we “cut and paste” text and save “bookmarks”
A former senior Telkom executive, Setumo Mohapi, will be appointed as the new CEO of broadcasting signal distributor Sentech later this month. TechCentral has learnt from a reliable political source that
Dimension Data will suspend trade of its shares on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange on Tuesday. The suspension comes the group prepares to be bought of Japan’s Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) Corp for R24,4bn in cash.
Former director-general of the department of communications Mamodupi Mohlala says she is eager to get started in her new position as head of the new National Consumer Commission. Trade & industry minister Rob Davies announced Mohlala
Enormous demand for shares in MTN’s Zakhele black economic empowerment deal has resulted in the offer being oversubscribed. The offer, which closed on 14 October, involves the sale of about R1,6bn worth of shares
The long-awaited regulations that will determine wholesale call termination rates in SA are ready and will be published next Friday. That’s the word from Icasa spokesman Jubie Matlou, who says he is not in a position to provide details of any planned
Aki Anastasiou has had a love of radio since he was just 10 years old. It’s a passion, he says, that is matched only by his love of the latest gizmos and gadgets. Talk Radio 702’s resident traffic reporter and technology geek has been helping
Neotel is looking for a “sustainable” way to bring fibre access to SA users’ homes. The company’s chief technology officer, Angus Hay, says that at the moment, building fibre into homes is an expensive exercise