Browsing: Africa Analysis

Government’s radical plan to shake up the way radio frequency spectrum is allocated in South Africa has been met with universal derision by ICT analysts and experts, who say it takes huge and unnecessary risks that could cause

Africa’s biggest mobile network, MTN, could have avoided a US$5,2bn fine in Nigeria, but regulators in that country have also been harsh on the company. This is according to Dobek Pater. who is a director and analyst at telecoms, IT and media research firm Africa

MTN has enlisted the help of the South African government and is meeting with Nigerian officials “at the highest level” as it moves to fight off a damaging US$5,2bn fine by the Nigerian

Telkom is one step closer to completing its takeover of Business Connexion with news that the competition tribunal has set aside 30 July to 7 August for its hearing on the matter. Telkom has