Browsing: Brian Dames

Both Eskom CEO Brian Dames and public enterprises minister Malusi Gigaba may have shied away from saying that load shedding is on its way, but analysts and people working in the industry believe it is a very real possibility, given that our electricity system is running with almost no reserves

Eskom has repeated its urgent call on electricity users to help it “beat the peak” this winter by switching off nonessential appliances between 5pm and 9pm each day. Briefing members of parliament’s public enterprises portfolio committee on Tuesday, Eskom CEO Brian Dames said that although

Limiting Eskom’s electricity tariff hike to 8% is likely to have far-reaching implications, public enterprises minister Malusi Gigaba said on Monday. “While the National Energy Regulator of South Africa’s [Nersa’s] decision … is welcomed, the implications of the lower tariffs and revenue approved on Eskom’s

The New Age CEO Nazeem Howa hit back on Monday morning at a weekend newspaper report that partially state-owned telecommunications operator Telkom was its top advertiser. “It’s similar to the patronising and racist mindset of some of opposition politicians who imply that the senior executives

Economic models show it is better and fairer for tariffs — not taxes — to pay for electricity, the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) heard on Tuesday. If electricity was sold at the “right price”, it would be used more efficiently, so less would have to be invested in new generating capacity, Eskom

The demand for electricity is declining, Eskom finance director Paul O’Flaherty said on Tuesday. “We were predicting that sales would go down,” he said. Releasing its interim results in Johannesburg, Eskom posted electricity sales of 110 766GWh

The cold weather experienced across SA has resulted in a huge increase in national electricity expenditure, power utility Eskom said on Monday. CEO Brian Dames told a business executives’ meeting in Pretoria that the power consumption bill between 5pm and 9pm daily had been “staggering”. “This

Eskom is struggling to maintain a balance between a steady power supply and a growing need to maintain old power stations, the state-owned energy company said on Monday. “Most power stations are in mid-life and require increased maintenance. However, maintenance has been continually shifted in order to ensure we meet

Eskom grew its net profit to R12,8bn in the six months to the end of September, chief financial officer Paul O’Flaherty said on Wednesday. The power utility grew revenue to R63,9bn, which was mainly driven by the 25,8% tariff increase, granted by the National Energy Regulator of SA

Power utility Eskom signed a US250m (R1,9 billion) loan on Monday that will finance the building of SA’s largest solar energy and wind power generation projects. Signing the guarantee, finance minister Pravin Gordhan said SA had a “huge comparative advantage”