The communications regulator on Wednesday welcomed the supreme court of appeal’s decision not to grant Telkom leave to appeal in its legal battle with Vodacom over the use of access to its ducts.
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MTN is tops among South African customers, while Rain is stone last – and by some distance – according to new research gauging the sentiment of consumers towards local telecommunications operators.
Intel will greatly expand its advanced chip manufacturing capacity as the new CEO announced plans to spend as much as $20-billion to build two factories and to open up its facilities to outside customers.
He may not be the leader of the free world, but Pat Gelsinger has just put himself at the helm of the Great American Revival amid a technology cold war that the US is paranoid it will lose.
Chinese gaming and social media group Tencent Holdings, partially owned by Naspers spin-off Prosus, on Wednesday reported a market-beating 26% jump in quarterly sales, helped in part by its online gaming business.
Pony Ma, founder of Naspers affiliate Tencent Holdings, China’s biggest social media and videogames company, met with antitrust watchdog officials this month to discuss compliance at his group, sources said.
National treasury is considering whether it would be better to move a chunk of Eskom’s R464-billion of debt into a special-purpose vehicle or have the state take over responsibility for it directly.
The supreme court of appeal has refused to entertain an application from Telkom seeking leave to appeal a high court judgment that handed victory to rival Vodacom over the use of Telkom’s ducts used to carry broadband cables.
South African fibre telecommunications infrastructure company MetroFibre Networx has raised R2.5-billion in new debt financing, led by Investec, adding to the R1.5-billion recently raised from shareholders.
Just a week after its CEO, Pieter Engelbrecht, teased the launch of its own mobile service, Shoprite Group has provided details of the launch K’nect Mobile, its mobile virtual network operator platform.